Sunday 10 January 2010

Tony Broadbent - Artist of the Week.

This week we have Tony Broadbent as our Artist of the week. Tony is a practising, professional artist who paints mainly abstract, figurative and traditional art in all media.
His work is best displayed on plain colour large expanse walls and is suitable for both minimalist and featured positioning.
Highly collectible his work has been recognised as a departure from the mundane.
Although best known for his larger paintings, Tony has recently completed a series of new and previously unseen small abstract works. These paintings are framed under glass, and have recently been added to his gallery on Affordable British Art. I particularly like this one, shown. The work on ' Blue Aspect ' itself is delicate and has many applications but at first sight is a finished and obvious work, this tends to be my usual approach to semi-representational work such as the sea under a blue sky. Upon study the nuances of the techniques employed can be seen which presents something new to the viewer each time they look at it. It is a rewarding and subtle piece which amalgamates into a full scene at a longer focal length.

Click HERE to see more of Tony's paintings on Affordable British Art

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